A place to let go of mental blocks, own your awesome and have a f**king good time.

You weren’t born with the limiting beliefs you have about yourself. 

No, you were born for greatness. 

Somewhere along the way, these beliefs were planted in you. Like poisonous vines, spreading, growing stronger, and preventing you from being as successful as you could be. 

So you pack up your dreams and think “who am I to aim so high?”. 

But what if it didn’t have to be that way? What if you could permanently get rid of the patterns standing in your way and truly ascend to your best self? 

You were born for greatness. And we’re here to help you reclaim your birthright. 

At Our Collective, we help you honour and remove any disempowering thoughts with one-of-a-kind coaching techniques. Laugh, cry, explore and move your way through the quest to release what no longer serves you.

I’m Dr Kamaia - Maori doctor, Havening Practitioner and your biggest champion. 

I’ve spent the last decade looking at humans and asking these two questions,

1. How can we be so extraordinary yet so dysfunctional? 


2. What’s the fastest way to release suffering and find freedom, love and joy? 

The search to find the answers started within me (even if I didn’t know it at the time). 

My journey towards self-empowerment began when my mum got sick. 

Not long after my 20th birthday, mum and I were on the dance floor at a festival celebrating life together. The next day, she was in the hospital and had to be admitted into the ICU. An ear infection had spread to her brain, causing hearing loss and altered consciousness. I had no idea if she was going to survive this. 

Following the next few months of recovery, my darkest day came about. 

The hospital she was in was short staffed and they needed someone to look after my mum so I volunteered. For the next 12 hours, she screamed and ran through the hospital corridors, unable to know who she was, why she was there or why she couldn’t hear me. I lost it and something inside me broke down. 

From that point on my previously light and bubbly, easy enjoyable life became really painful. I knew that I needed to put myself back together, but I had no idea how. 

“There HAS to be an easier way to release all of this s**t!”, I thought.

I started searching for relief through all the usual self-help things. Yoga, meditation, podcasts, a crap tonne of self-help books. I found floating and took a year off medicine to work at a floatation tank centre. That was the first time I truly experienced what it was like to be alone with your thoughts. 

But while all of this provided temporary relief and helped me feel present in my body again, they didn’t address the trauma deep within me. 

Every time I entered the hospital (pretty much every day), it was like digging up the trauma I’d locked away. I’d get a panic attack and my mind would go blank if someone asked me a question - not a good look for someone training to be a doctor. 

If someone asked about my mum, I would want to cry and just felt all that pain and grief coming up and through me. Feeling isolated, alone and helpless, it was like a living in a nightmare.

I was at the end of the road when I discovered the “Havening Technique”. 

Developed by the internal physician and researcher, Dr Ronald Ruden, the Havening Technique uses 3 simple body movements (touching your palms, arms and face in a specific way) to recreate a sense of safety while turning off the stress response. 

And boy, did my life take a 180 turn.

I was able to release all the s**t that was holding me back from living the way I dreamed. I could suddenly speak about my mum without falling apart and I could feel calm and relaxed when I walked into a hospital. 

It changed the way I showed up in my relationships and my career. Most of all, it inspired me to chase my wildest goals.

Since becoming a trained Havening Practitioner, I have tried this method with doctors, professionals, business owners and high-performance athletes who suffer from anxiety, trauma and the pressure to be perfect. Together, we were able to identify their triggers, release limiting beliefs and restore them to their original state of awesome.

I created Our Collective because I believe that we can all rise to our highest potential together and wanted to share this technique with you. Packaged with guided meditation, movement therapy and coaching, I’ve crafted specialised services that will help you let go and move forward once and for all.

Together, we rise

xx Kamaia