Healing with Havening

Havening Techniques are a set of novel and flexible methods based on touch.

Havening Touch Techniques

These psycho-sensory techniques are based on neuroscience and intuitive touch. They can help permanently treat a range of different issues, such as:



Stress & Burnout

Thought blocks

How Havening works

Experiences from our past, whether lived or perceived, can stick with us as we move through life. If it becomes encoded as a traumatic event, our brains create a stress response so that if similar situations arise, we’re protected from the pain. 

This severe response prevents our analytical selves from distinguishing when something is truly life-threatening (car accident) and something that’s not (an email from your boss). When this happens, our primitive emotions such as anger and fear start to run our lives. 

Havening Techniques harness the action of our brain’s Delta waves through therapeutic touch. Delta waves are similar to being in a dream state, where you switch off your analytical mind and invite calm, imagination and creativity.  A.k.a accessing those good vibes. It helps us remove stress receptors by revisiting our formative memories and detaching ourselves emotionally from these events.

Benefits of Havening

  • You’ll learn to identify an encoded traumatic event that shows up in your life as an anxiety or stress response. After even a single session, you’ll be able to look back at the memory as an observer without attachment or fear.

  • Most coaching or counselling services act on the conscious brain, which is only in control about 10% of the time. This is the part of your brain that gets motivated to buy a gym membership or learn a language. But the part that’s responsible for 90% of our thoughts, feelings and actions (the subconscious brain) is what controls our behavioural patterns. By accessing your subconscious brain through Havening, you’ll be able to address the core issue that you'd like to release.

  • Since Havening changes your brain waves from being in a state of anxiety to one of calm, it can help you process and release difficult triggers within 5-10 minutes. Once released, you can start to rebuild and shift into your ideal state. For instance, from tired > energised, anxious > calm, not good enough > brilliant. No more staying stuck in the same thought pattern and feeling powerless. Release, transform and forge ahead.


  • Each appointment takes 75 minutes.

    We recommend booking in for a Free 45 Minute Strategy Call with one of us to see how we can best assist you.

    After the call you’ll come out knowing:

    • What's going on for you

    • The obstacles in the way

    • You’re dream outcome

    • What your next step is

    • if I'm the right fit or if there's someone else that would be better suited to meet your needs.

  • It depends on what you would like to release.

    A specific phobias or distressing memory can take one to two sessions.

    To get back from stress and burnout 3-5 sessions.

    For Imposter Syndrome, limiting beliefs, performance anxiety, complex PTSD or extensive childhood trauma - I recommend a custom package over 3-6 months.

  • 1 Havening Consultation: $180

    3 Havening Consultation: $500 (Save $40)

    3 Month Package: $480 per month

  • Yes! Sessions can be held online, anywhere in the world, in the comfort of your own home. All you need is yourself (and a wifi connection). Please have zoom downloaded and be familiar with using this prior to appointment.

  • Most therapies work at a conscious level. Havening Techniques® works directly where the threatening event is stored (the amydala).

    Addresses the underlying cause

    By understanding how trauma is encoded in the brain, Havening creates the brain wave state required to delink and remove specific trauma and it’s reactivation through stress.

    Rapid and effective with lasting results

    Clients can fully resolve a traumatic experience in 1 session. Being able to look back at this event as a neutral observer permanently. It is also effective at processing and neutralising distressing emotions.

    Creates safety and client leaves feeling lighter

    Havening enhances Delta waves in the brain which can be experienced as a sense of safety and calm. After processing heavy events or emotions with distraction clients can leave the past behind and exit session feeling lighter.

  • Havening can be used as a standalone therapy or in combination with psychotherapy, psychiatry and alternative therapies.

    If you are seeing a mental health professional we advise discussing Havening with them prior to starting our work together.

  • You are not alone and this is really common.

    It’s our job as your specialist to help uncover what’s causing the current issue you are facing.

    We start from what is comfortable and what works for you, creating a safe space to explore the layers of your stress.

    If you are new to personal development and self awareness, don’t worry we’ve got you and are excited to help your transformation.